Bay Area Radio People
Exhibits listed alphabetically by last name
The Bay Area has been truly blessed by the radio talent that we’ve enjoyed over the years. Whether your tastes run to Frank Dill, Don Sherwood, Al Hart, Sly Stone, M. Dung, Tall Tom Campbell, Jim Dunbar, Merv Griffin, Dr. Don Rose, Jim Lange, Bobby Ocean, Red Blanchard, Tom Donahue, Dave Diamond, Alex Bennett, Gene Nelson, Renel, Art Linkletter, Don Bleu, Super Snake, Bill King, Les Malloy, Bwana Johnny, Buddy Baron, Ronn Owens, Jumpin’ George Oxford, Tommy Saunders, Mel Venter or any of the thousands of voices that have graced our local airwaves, the Bay Area Radio Museum is continually creating new exhibits that feature the men and women that you loved to listen to, and some that you may never have had the opportunity to experience before. We hope you enjoy these classic broadcasts from voices both famous and forgotten.
EXCEPTION: In cases where a radio personality used only a nickname on the air, look under the first letter of that name.
EXAMPLE: Look under R for Dr. Don Rose; look under B for Bwana Johnny or F for Father Harry.
PLEASE NOTE: Exhibits listed below as “Audio Only” do not currently include text or images with the presentation.
Ken Ackerman
* — Included in The Complete KCBS Collection.
Mark Adams
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Bill Agee
Van Amburg
Air name of Fred Van Amburg
Tim Anthony
Charlie Arlington
Jackson Armstrong
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Evangeline Baker
Ron Baker
Lyle Bardo
Don Barksdale
K.O. Bayley
Air name of Bob Elliott, a/k/a K.O. Beachin
K.O. Beachin
Air name of Bob Elliott, a/k/a K.O. Bayley
Edward Bear
Barry Beck
Bert Bell
Air name of Herb Campbell
Alex Bennett
Air name of Bennett G. Schwarzmann
* — Included in KMPX: The Big Band Years Collection.
Jack Benny
Stage name of Benjamin Kubelsky
Tony Bigg
Air name of Richard Quinn, a/k/a Tony Pigg
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Red Blanchard
Air name of Richard Bogardus Blanchard, Jr.
- Red Blanchard (BARHOF Class of 2007)
Don Bleu
Air name of Richard Kelleher
* — Included in the Complete KYUU Collection.
Ira Blue
Victor Boc
Jim Bridges
Charlie Brown
Air name of Larry O’Brien, a/k/a Charles W. Brown
Larry Brownell
Air name of Larry W. Buller
Bill Browning
* — Included in The KPEN Collection.
Chuck Browning
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Pete Bunny
* — Included in The Complete KEWB Collection.
Bwana Johnny
Air name of Richard “Rick” Johnson
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
** — Included in KYA: The 1970s Collection.
Herb Campbell (see Bert Bell)
Tom Campbell (a/k/a “Tall Tom”)
* — Included in The Tom Campbell Collection.
Stephen Capen
Joe Carcione (a/k/a “The Greengrocer”)
Jack Carney
* — Included in KSFO: The Sound Of The City Collection.
Citizen Bill Carpenter (air name of Steve Taylor)
* — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Clarence (Clancy) Cassell
Don Chamberlain
John K. Chapel
(Air name of Ivan Ivanovich Nicholai Nikolaivich Putily Vasily Kuropatkin du la Chappelle)
Bill Chase
* — Included in KMPX: The Big Band Era.
Mike Cleary
Al Collins
a/k/a “Big Al” or “Jazzbeaux” (earlier “Jazzbo”)
* — Included in The Complete KGO Radio 810 Collection.
Bill Collins
* — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
Les Crane
Air name of Leslie G. Stein, a/k/a “Raven” or “Johnny Raven”
* — Included in The Complete KGO Radio 810 Collection.
Bobby Dale
Air name of Robert Dale Bastiansen
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Ronnie Dark
Air name of Johnny Morris
* — Included in The KSOL Soul 145 Collection.
Norman Davis
a/k/a Al Knight, Lucky Logan
Broadcast: KMPX Big Band 99, July 25, 1982
* — Included in The History of KOBY.
** — Producer. Exhibit includes comments by Mr. Davis.
Dave Diamond
Broadcast: 610/KFRC, June 20, 1968
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Frank Dill
Mike Dix
Hugh Barrett Dobbs (a/k/a “Captain Dobbsie”)
Doctor Soul (air name of Jim Witter)
Tom Donahue
Air name of Thomas Coman, a/k/a “Big Daddy”
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Bouncin’ Bill Doubleday
Air name of John William Doubleday
Jim Dunbar
* — Included in The KGO News/Talk 810 Collection.

Jim Eason
Chris Edwards
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
** — Included in KYA: The 1970s Collection.
Bob Elliott (a/k/a K.O. Beachin, K.O. Bayley)
Herb Ellis
B. Floyd Farr
Ray Farrell (see Bobby Ocean)
Father Harry (air name of Father Harry Schlitt)
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Art Finley (air name of Arthur Fingers)
John Mack Flanagan
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Foreman Bill
Bob Foster
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Bud Foster (air name of Wilson K. Foster)
Bob Fouts
Johnny G (air name of Johnny Gilbert)
* — Included in The KEWB Collection.
James Gabbert
John Gilliland
Dean Goss
* — Included in KYA: The 1970sCollection.
Bob Gordon
Richard Gossett
Bill Graham
Gordon Greb
Merv Griffin
Bob Guerra
* — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
— Exhibit includes text. |
Jack Hammer
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
John Hardy
* — Included in The KDIA Collection.
** — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Craig Harrison (air name of Harrison Wooley)
* — Included in The Complete KCBS Collection.
Richard Hart
Buddy Hatton (air name of Clyde Hatton)
John Hawkins
Johnny Hayes
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Darlene Heath
* — Included in The History of KWUN.
Buck Herring
* — Included in the KEWB Collection.
Ed Hider
Bill Holley
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
** — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Johnny Holliday (air name of John Holliday Bobbitt)
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Craig Hulsebos
Larry Ickes
* — Included in KMPX: The Big Band Era.
Richard Johnson (see Bwana Johnny)
Steve Jordan (air name of Royce Redwine)
* — Included in KYA: The 1970s Collection.
Wayne Jordan
* — Included in The KPEN Collection.
Bill Keffury
Jackson King (air name of John Colon, a/k/a Jolly Rogers)
Robin King
* — Included in The Complete KCBS Collection.
Teri King
* — Included in The K-101 Era Collection.
* — Included in The Bay Area Radio Museum Sports Page.
Ralph Koal
* — Included in The KLIV Collection.
Christopher Lance (a/k/a “Requestopher”)
Bill Lee
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
John Lennon
John Lester
Al Levitt
Lucky Logan (air name of Norman Davis)
John London (air name of Stan Lackey)
* — Included in The Bay Area Radio Museum Sports Page.
Ralph Koal
* — Included in The KLIV Collection.
Christopher Lance (a/k/a “Requestopher”)
Bill Lee
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
John Lennon
John Lester
Al Levitt
Lucky Logan (air name of Norman Davis)
John London (air name of Stan Lackey)
* — Included in The Complete KMEL Collection.
* — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
Mad Mel (parody voice?)
* — Included in the Complete KLIV Airchecks Collection.
Dude Martin (air name of Steve McSwain)
Broadcast: KGO Sunrise Roundup, Feb. 11, 1948
Broadcast: The Final KMEL Morning Zoo, March 29, 1991
* — Included in The Complete KMEL Collection.
* — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
Mad Mel (parody voice?)
* — Included in the Complete KLIV Airchecks Collection.
Dude Martin (air name of Steve McSwain)
Harry Martin
Melissa McConnell
Russ McDonald
* — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
* — Included in KSFO: The Golden West Collection.
** — Included in The K-101 Era Collection.
Don McKinnon
* — Included in the KEWB Collection.
Pete McNeal
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Edward W. Meece
Lois Melkonian
William Roscoe (Bill) Mercer (a/k/a “The Burner” and “Rosko”)
* — Included in The KSAN & KSOL Collection.
Brad Messer
Joe Michaels
* — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Franklin’s Vault: A Tribute To Franklin Mieuli
Larry Miller
Walt Miller
Bobby Mitchell
(air name of Michael Guerra, Jr., a/k/a Bobby Tripp)
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Larry Mitchell
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Broadcast: KFOG, September 16, 1982
Robert W. Morgan
* — Included in The Complete KEWB Collection.
— Exhibit includes text. |
Natural Neil (air name of Neilson “Neil” Ross)
* — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Gene Nelson (a/k/a Emperor Gene Nelson)
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Leslie Nelson (see “The Slim One“)
Sean O’Callaghan
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Bobby Ocean (air name of Ernest Lenhart, a/k/a Radio Ray Farrell)
* — Included in the Complete KYUU Collection.
Broadcast: KGO News/Talk 81 “Friday Night Rock Trivia,” June 1978
* — Included in The KGO News/Talk 810 Collection.
George Oxford (a/k/a Jumpin’ George Oxford)
Johnny Patrick (air name of John Patrick Goggan)
Tom Paxton
Joe “The Jet” Perry
Tony Pigg (see also Tony Bigg)
Bill Plummer (a/k/a Bull Plummer)
Bob Postle
* — Included in KSAN: The Jive 95 Collection.
Gene Price
Broadcast: KEWB Channel 91, December 19, 1964
* — Included in The KEWB Collection.
Johnny Raven (or “Raven”; see Les Crane)
Renel (a/k/a Renel Brooks-Moon, Rockin’ Renel Lewis)
* — Included in The Big 610 Collection.
** — Included in The Complete KMEL Collection.
Joe Regelski
Ron Reynolds
* — Included in The Complete KEWB Collection.
** — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
Tom Richard (air name of Tom R. Mourgos)
Lou Ripa
Jolly Rogers (air name of John Colon, a/k/a Jackson King)
* — Included inKYA: The Top 40 Years Collection.
Dr. Don Rose (air name of Donald Duane Rosenberg)
* — Included in the Dr. Don Rose Collection.
Hilly Rose
* — Included in The Complete KCBS Collection.
Rosko (air name of William (Bill) Roscoe Mercer, q.v.)
* — Included in the Complete KDIA Lucky 13 Collection.
George Ruge
Armando Ruiz
Tony Salazar
Sammy The Psychic
* — Included in KNEW: The 910 Collection.
Laurie Sanders
Cliff Saunders
* — Included in the K-101 Era Collection.
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Gary Schaffer
Pictured on KYA Official 12-60 Survey, March 23, 1968
Broadcast: 1260/KYA, March 31, 1969
* — Included inKYA: The Sixties Collection.
Rick Scott
* — Included in KYA: The Seventies Collection.
Bruce Sedley
Gary Seger
Rick Shaw (air name of Hugh Silvas)
* — Included in the Complete KYUU Collection.
Mike Shepherd (air name of Michael C. Gwynne, a/k/a Mike Sheppard)
* — Included in the Complete KDIA Lucky 13 Collection.
Lamar Sherlock
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Don Sherwood (air name of Daniel Sherwood Cohelan)
* — Included in The Don Sherwood Collection.
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Jack Silver
The Slim One (air name of Leslie Nelson)
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Carter B. Smith (a/k/a Carter Blakemore Smith)

Ernie Smith
Terry Smith
* — Included in The KPEN Collection.
Dan Sorkin
* — Included in
KSFO: The Golden West Collection.
Michael Spears
* — Actually Steve Jordan; not the KFRC program director (a/k/a Hal Martin).
Jim Stagg
Also known as Jim Stag, or simply “Stag”
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Joe Starkey
The Real Don Steele
Air name of Donald Steele Revert
* — Included in The Complete KEWB Collection.
Jay Stevens
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Monty Stickles
Bill Stone
* — Included in The K-101 Era Collection.
Dave Stone
* — Included in KYA: The 1970s Collection.
Sly Stone (air name of Sylvester Stewart)
* — Included inThe KSOL Soul 145 Collection.
Broadcast: S.F. Seals vs. Seattle Totems (WHL Hockey), May 6, 1963
Broadcast: S.F. Seals vs. L.A. Blades (WHL Hockey), April 17, 1964
Broadcast: S.F. Seals vs. Quebec Aces (WHL Hockey), February 16, 1966
* — Included in The Bay Area Radio Museum Sports Page.
Russ “The Moose” Syracuse
Air name of Russ Siragusa)
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Mark Taylor
* — Included in KYA: The 1970sCollection.
Steve Taylor (see Citizen Bill Carpenter)
Gary Scott Thomas
Scott Thomas
Broadcast: 1260/KYA, June 6, 1970
* — Included in KYA: The 1970s Collection.
Bill Thompson
Lori Thompson
* — Included in KITS: The Complete Airchecks Collection.
Tony Tremayne (air name of Mel Fritze)
* — Included in KYA: The Sixties Collection.
Bobby Tripp (air name
of Michael Guerra, Jr., a/k/a Bobby Mitchell)
Sam Van Zandt
Beau Weaver
* — Included in KFRC: The Big 610 Collection.
Jack Webb
Bob White
* — Included in The KDIA Collection.
Walter Winchell
Brian Winters