Contact the Bay Area Radio Museum and Hall of Fame

Sean O'Callaghan at KYA (Photo)
Sean O’Callaghan at 1260 KYA (Circa 1967)

The Bay Area Radio Museum & Hall of Fame is located at Radio Central, home of the California Historical Radio Society (CHRS) near downtown Alameda:

CHRS Radio Central
2152 Central Avenue
Alameda, California

Click here to learn more about the Bay Area Radio Museum & Hall of Fame.

Want to mail something to us? Please send it here:

Bay Area Radio Museum
c/o CHRS
PO Box 31659
San Francisco CA 94131-0659

Want to nominate someone for the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame? Click here.

Have a question about the Bay Area Radio Museum? Check out our FAQ page or send us a message:

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