BARHOF 2024 Nominations Are Now Open

BARHOF Class of 2024 Logo

Nominations, anyone?

The Bay Area Radio Museum and Hall of Fame is currently accepting nominations from the public for the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame’s Class of 2024 through Friday, March 1.

The process is simple: read through the nomination criteria, make sure the person is not already in BARHOF, then make your nomination using the form on our website.

One key thought to keep in mind is “can you tell the story of Bay Area radio without including this person?” However, if you mention “you cannot tell the story of Bay Area radio without including [NOMINEE]” your nomination will be discarded. Don’t just tell us that the person was popular or had the highest ratings, or was unique or different – tell us why he or she was unique or different!

So look through the list of BARHOF inductees from over the years. Whose name is missing? Gather up that person’s story, and let us know.

Please keep in mind that while nominations are open to the public, you must be a member of the California Historical Radio Society on or before Thursday, February 29, 2024, in order to participate in the BARHOF 2024 selection process.

Ready to make your nomination? Click here to start.

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