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KPO Radio, San Francisco Antenna On Roof Of Hale Bros. Department Store Circa 1925

The KPO antenna was a “T” type, four wires spread six feet apart, and 114 feet in length. It was supported by two 125-foot tall towers which had been erected by the Pacific Coast Steel [...]

KPO Radio, San Francisco 500 Watt Transmitter 1923

The transmitter room of KPO was located on the sixth floor of the Hale Brothers Department Store. On the operator’s desk is a radio receiver which was used to listen for distress calls from sea [...]

NBC Radio, San Francisco Microphone Storage Room (Undated)

Taking Inventory in the Microphone Storage Room

NBC Radio, San Francisco Remote Broadcast Circa 1940s

An NBC broadcast crew originates a program. The location and identities of the people shown are unknown. The box on left is a shortwave transmitter, a microphone mixer is in the center, and the other [...]

NBC Radio, San Francisco Remote Broadcast Truck Circa 1930s

This view of the NBC remote broadcast truck was taken outside the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, early 1930’s.

KYA Radio, San Francisco “Cowboy Bob” Circa 1940s

“Cowboy Bob” hosted a popular Western music program on KYA in the 1940s.

KTAB Radio, Oakland Main Studio 1926

This was the largest of two KTAB studios located on the first floor of the Tenth Avenue Baptist Church in Oakland. All of the weekday evening broadcasts took place in this studio.

Rev. George Phillips at KTAB (Undated Photo)

The Rev. George W. Phillips broadcasts the daily “Hour of Prayer” program over KTAB. As the founder of KTAB – the station of Third Avenue Baptist Church – and a pioneer in Bay Area radio, [...]


Voices Out Of The Fog

All articles copyright © 1997-2006 by John F. Schneider. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with the generous permission of the author.