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NBC Studio “A” (Undated)

Studio “A,” the largest studio in Radio City at 73 x 41 feet, seated an audience of 425. A program rehearsal is in progress in this view. The room behind glass on the lower level [...]

NBC Radio City, Hollywood 1944

When NBC opened its new Radio City building in Hollywood in 1938, it marked the end of San Francisco’s prominence as a network radio center. This view of Vine Street, looking north from Sunset Boulevard, [...]

NBC Radio City Architectural Drawings (undated)

Some of the architect’s renderings and a scale model of the new NBC Radio City studio building at 420 Taylor Street (corner of O’Farrell), circa 1940.  

The staff that produced the Doug Pledger Show on KNBC Radio (680 AM in San Francisco) in the 1950s. Seated, left to right: Clarence Leisure, announcer; Doug Pledger, program host; John Grover, announcer. Standing, left to right: Budd Heyde, announcer; Jack Van Wart, engineer; Enka Pledger (Mrs. Doug Pledger); Oscar Berg, engineer; Lee Kolm, engineering supervisor; Shahan Alexanian, engineer.

Staff of the Doug Pledger Show Circa 1950s

The staff that produced the Doug Pledger Show on KNBC Radio (680 AM in San Francisco) in the 1950s. Seated, left to right: Clarence Leisure, announcer; Doug Pledger, program host; John Grover, announcer. Standing, left to [...]

KPO Becomes KNBC “Hail and Farewell” Live Broadcast Ticket

Sunday, November 23, 1947 This is a ticket to the live “Hail and Farewell” broadcast in 1947, during which KPO changed its call letters to KNBC. The hour-long extravaganza was hosted by Hal Wolfe from [...]

NBC Radio City Master Control

George Greaves and Lee Kolm San Francisco, December 1944 This is a view of the Master Control Room at NBC’s Radio City in San Francisco, December, 1944. Standing: George Greaves, engineer-in-charge of NBC San Francisco. [...]

A black and white image of KGO Radio, Oakland Main Transmitter Room 1925

KGO Radio, Oakland Main Transmitter Room 1925

This view shows the transmitter operator’s position at the General Electric station in Oakland. From this position, the operator monitored the audio modulation level during every broadcast. At left is the main power control panel, [...]

These three young ladies organized as a chamber music group while attending Oakland Technical High School in 1918. They first appeared on radio over Oakland’s KLX in 1924, and they soon became a program staple [...]


Voices Out Of The Fog

All articles copyright © 1997-2006 by John F. Schneider. All rights reserved.
Reprinted with the generous permission of the author.