KNBC Radio
San Francisco

Program Schedule

February 1951

KNBC Program Schedule (Image)

KNBC Program Schedule (Image)

KNBC Program Schedule (Image)

KNBC Program Schedule (Image)


A program schedule for KNBC Radio (680 kilocycles AM and 99.7 megacycles FM), the NBC owned and operated station in San Francisco, covering the entire month of February 1951. The programming shows evidence that network radio is moving into its sunset years, with several NBC shows (“One Man’s Family,” “Fibber McGee & Molly,” “Just Plain Bill,” “Stella Dallas”) continuing to hang on as the Television Age takes its first steps.

Saturday evenings include “The Grand Ole Opry” at 7:30 p.m. and “Your Hit Parade” at 9 p.m., while Sunday evenings feature the stalwart “$64 Question” at 7 p.m.

The document also serves as a tool for the KNBC sales department, boasting up front that:

“This one’s a whopper! One of the biggest blocks of time ever purchased by a single advertiser on KNBC — 90 minutes nightly, six nights weekly — has been pacted by Acme Breweries for 52 weeks. The program is ‘Acme Hop,’ a late-evening disc show featuring Ben Alexander.

This KNBC time purchase was made by Acme on the recommendation of its agency, Foote, Cone & Belding, San Francisco. The agency’s reasoning was basic: KNBC delivers the largest audience of any station in Northern California — and does it at the lowest cost-per-thousand listeners.”

KNBC-AM was born as KPO back in 1922, changing its call letters in 1947. Fifteen years later, in November 1962, the station became KNBR.

ORIGINAL SIZE: 8.5×11 inches.
SOURCE: Bay Area Radio Museum Collection.



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