KDIA 1310, Oakland
Mobile News Unit

September 1961

KDIA Walt Miller News (Photo)

Press photo issued by Oakland’s KDIA Radio (1310 kilocycles) to promote the station’s new mobile news car, manned by reporter Walt Miller. (Miller is shown at right in the photograph above.) KDIA News’ Mobile Unit 13 was placed into service on September 13, 1961. The informational cut sheet that accompanied the photo is included below.

KDIA Walt Miller Promo Sheet (Image)

SOURCE: Bay Area Radio Digest Collection.



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Deborah J. Nobrega
Deborah J. Nobrega
8 July 2021 9:20 PM

Does anyone know why Walt Millers photograph is not working? I am his daughter Deborah and he announced my birth over the air on August 12, 1962. He was also responsible for taping the Baptist church service on Sundsys. He was a pioneer and, one of the first, if not the first mobile news units in the Bay Area. He also worked for KWEB, and KSOL, AP (Associated Press,) and U.P.I. (United Press Internstional). I really like the content on your website but, was saddened that my fathers link and photos are missing. Maybe, you are unaware that your link are not working. Before there was a photo and, a call sheet up now the link has a line through it. I have some memorabilia at my sisters house from my father time at the station. If you are interested in seeing it please send mail to my email address.
DJ Nobrega