The Staff of NBC Radio, San Francisco, 1941

Announcers, engineers and other staff of the NBC San Francisco operations, taken in Studio A on the 22nd Floor at 111 Sutter Street in 1941. The occasion was Bill Wood’s last day as an announcer before entering active service as Lieutenant J.G. Bill Wood. There are several men from NBC New York in the photo, perhaps because of the concurrent construction of the NBC Radio City building.


1.   Lieut. J.G. Bill Wood, announcer
2.   Oscar Berg, maintenance supervisor
3.   Charles E. Kilgore, control room supervisor
4.   Al Nelson, General Manager, NBC Network, San Francisco
5.   J. Alan O'Neil, recording supervisor
6.   George Greeves, engineer-in-charge
7.   Ernest E. Jefferson, control room
8.   G. Warren Andresen, studio engineer
9.   Frank L. Barron, studio engineer
10.  Doug Gourlay, announcer
11.  Herbert Budd Heyde, announcer
12.  Cliff Rothery, studio engineer
13.  Eddie King, announcer
14.  Frank Barton, announcer
15.  Mark Dunnigan, studio engineer
16.  Andrew K. (Andy) Mitchell, recording engineer
17.  Guy Cassidy, studio engineer
18.  Jim Summers, control room
19.  Hal Platt, studio engineer
20.  Joe Arnonni, engineer, New York
21.  Tommy Phelan, engineer, New York
22.  Donald R. (Don) Hall, maintenance
23.  Harry Jacobs, studio engineer
24.  Reid Browning, announcer
25.  John B. (Johnny) Grover, announcer
26.  Floyd Farr, announcer
27.  Edgar Parkhurst, maintenance
28.  Bev Palmer, engineer-in-charge, Blue Network, San Francisco
29.  Burton Bennett, announcer
30.  Elmer F. Meade, New York
31.  Leland B. (Lee) Kolm, studio engineer
32.  Gordon Strang, engineer, New York 
33.  Hal Wolf, announcer
34.  Clark (Red) Sanders, studio engineer
35.  J.R. (John) McDonnell, studio engineer
36.  Archie Presby, announcer
37.  Joe Baker, chief engineer, KPO transmitter
38.  Dan Williams, studio engineer
39.  George McElwain, field supervisor

Thanks to Broadcast Legends for the use of this photo, and to Rich Kolm for his help in identifying those in the photo.

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