1260 KYA
Swingin’ 60 Music Survey
Number 187
December 26, 1960

It’s the day after Christmas 1960, and The Shirelles are holding down the top spot for the second straight week on the official KYA (1260 in San Francisco) Swingin’ 60 music survey.
As the year nears its end, Bartell Broadcasting’s KYA sports one of the strongest staffs anywhere in the industry with Stag (Jim Stagg) on the morning shift, followed by Johnny Raven (Lesley Stein, who would later morph into Les Crane at KGO), Peter Tripp, Bob Mitchell and Norman Davis.
Terry Sullivan and Tony Tremayne (Mel Fritze) are also on the KYA team, along with the London-born Michael Scotland, who would later cross the Bay Bridge to work at Oakland’s KEWB before moving to Southern California where he would become a talk radio legend under his real name, Michael Jackson.

The outside cover of the folio – along with a “The More The Merrier” ad for 7-Up – proclaims that Norman Davis (BARHOF 2014) hosts the Bay Area’s ONLY record request show, Monday through Friday from 8 PM to midnight. Call YUkon2-1764 to make your dedication!
SOURCE: David Jackson Collection, Bay Area Radio Museum Archive.