KDIA Boss Soul Radio, Oakland
Lucky 13 Survey
Undated (Circa May/June 1966)

Percy Sledge’s smash hit, “When A Man Loves A Woman,” vaults from #5 to the top spot on KDIA’s “Lucky 13 Records for the Bay” survey, bumping Wicked Wilson Pickett’s “634-5789 (Soulsville, U.S.A.)” — which had spent seven weeks at Number One on Billboard’s R&B chart — down to the second slot.
This oddly undated survey, presumed to be from either the last week of May or the first week of June 1966, features photographs of Boss Soul Radio 1310’s air team, which included “Old Adorable” George Oxford (6-10 a.m.), John Hardy (10 a.m.-2 p.m.), Bob White (2-7 p.m.), Chuck Scruggs (7 p.m.-1 a.m.) and Wally Ray (1-5 a.m.); the station aired religious programming during the one-hour period between the end of Ray’s overnight shift and the start of Jumpin’ George’s morning show. Bill Hall handles weekends and covers for vacationing KDIA teammates at this time.

On the back cover of the survey (when folded) is an ad letting everyone known they should listen to James Brown (Soul Brother #1) for Royal Crown Cola, heard Monday through Saturday from five to six p.m. on KDIA.
ORIGINAL SIZE: 6.5×4.25 inches (flat).
SOURCE: Bay Area Radio Museum Collection.