M. Dung (Michael Slavko)

BARHOF Inductee M. Dung (Michael Slavko) 2018

n 1982, KFOG Program Director Dave Logan tapped Mike Slavko, who was doing production work, to host the “Sunday Night Idiot Show.” This was not a standard radio DJ:  he called himself “Dung Boy,” spun oldies, and raved like a wild man, uttering phrases like “O-DEA?,” “YOW!” “Buh-DAY” and “Ay-WAY!”

 Due to the huge success of the Sunday night show, “Dung Boy” took over as the host of KFOG’s morning show for the better part of a decade, giving his listeners a dictionary full of new verbiage that didn’t mean quite what Webster’s meant.

He also worked his M. Dung magic at K-FOX (KUFX).

Michael Slavko passed away in 2017 at the age of 59.