KFRC Radio, San Francisco
Happy Go Lucky Hour
With Al and Cal Pearce
Circa 1930
The “Happy Go Lucky Hour” was one of KFRC’s most popular programs between 1929 and 1933. The show later moved to NBC and became “Al Pearce and His Gang.” Shown here is the large and talented KFRC cast:
Standing (back row, left to right): Al Pearce, Edna O’Keefe, Cal Pearce, Jean Clarnioux, Norman Neilsen, Hazel Warner, Abe Bloom, Monroe Upton (in the character of Lord Bilgewater), and Harry “Mac” McClintock (with guitar).
Seated (left to right): Tommy Harris, Charles Carter, Edna Fischer (at the piano) and Cecil Wright.
Photo provided by Rich Kolm, from the files of his father, Lee Kolm.
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